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Review: To Love a Wolf by Paige Tyler

To Love a Wolf (SWAT) - Paige Tyler

To Love a Wolf by Paige Tyler
Series: SWAT
Published by Sourcebooks Casablanca
Published on: June 7, 2016
Genres: Paranormal Romance, Werewolves
Pages: 352
Format: eARC
Source: NetGalley
One StarOne StarOne StarOne StarOne Star


SWAT officer Landry Cooper is certain Everly Danu is The One. The problem is, she has no idea what Cooper really is. And as much as he wants to trust her, he’s not sure he can share his deepest secret…

When Everly’s family discovers Cooper’s a werewolf, her brothers will do anything to keep them apart—they’ll kill him if they have to. Everly is falling hard for the ridiculously handsome SWAT officer, and she’s not about to let her brothers tell her who she can love… Until Cooper’s secret is exposed and she discovers the man she thought she knew is a monster in disguise.


All of the books in Paige Tyler’s SWAT series have been über edgy because of the characters’ high risk jobs, but as an explosives expert, Landry Cooper raised the bar even higher. TO LOVE A WOLF kicks off with a flashback to the incident that ended his military career (and turned him into a werewolf), moves on to a bank robbery where he meets the One, and then launches into the main plot which involves a serial bomber.

It’s amazing how many offshoots an author can craft from a seemingly simple baseline. I’d originally doubted these novels’ longevity because in my opinion the story lines involving hunky alpha werewolf cops were limited compared to the bevvy of potential sexual positions. Tyler proved otherwise by infusing her titles with protagonists whose complex backgrounds, varied personalities, and unique romances keep things hot.

In previous installments, SWAT’s classified nature has either been a secret waiting to be sprung on an unsuspecting mate or a case of like speaks to like, however in this particular instance it was Everly’s family who’s in the know which added yet another layer of intrigue to this series’ coffers. It brought the formerly subtle paranormal elements of this world to the fore, and also led to an expansion of the mythology.

It was delightful seeing the team member that everyone normally turns to for advice struggling to come of up with some pearls of wisdom suitable for his own situation. I enjoyed Cooper’s lightheartedness, hero-like qualities, and learning the more technical side of his branch of law enforcement. Danu’s complicated past made her a challenge to woo; I also liked her spirited nature, and her creative side. Another perfect match!

TO LOVE A WOLF or not to love a wolf—what a silly question!

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Carmel Signature

Source: http://rabidreads.ca/2016/06/early-review-spotlight-and-giveaway-to-love-a-wolf-by-paige-tyler-paigetyler-sourcebookscasa.html