Reviewed by: Rabid ReadsEvery
Darkest London installment is truly unique; unlike most romance series that only switch up the main love interest from book to book, Callihan actually reshapes her whole universe to fit each of her characters’ individual perspectives. She does it once again in
Winterblaze by rekindling an existing relationship between a married couple instead of the standard budding romance story. The result is a fresh outlook on love, a fun combination of flashbacks vs. current events and some serious conflict!
Kristen Callihan has never failed to sweep me away with her phenomenal writing style and the trend continues in
Winterblaze. Her world-building skills are unmatched and I loved that she incorporated flashbacks to help readers understand what Poppy and Win’s relationship was like prior to their spat. In a way, this book felt like 2-in-1 because of the different time periods. We get to learn about how they met, their courtship and marriage which really helped add some romance into the mix seeing how they were at odds with each other for a good portion of this novel. It’s basically a love story in reverse!
Poppy is a very different kind of heroine compared to her sisters that were featured in previous installments; instead of being a delicate rose she’s the thorns on its stem. Mrs. Lane is a walking contradiction; for society’s sake she appears to be a proper lady but in secret she kicks more butt than her detective husband! The characters in this series are incredibly well rounded and I was glad that I got to learn an equal amount about both halves of this couple because Winston is no less endearing than his wife. Despite all of the lies and secrets that have managed to come between them I never doubted that their love would win out in the end. Plus, the occasional fight can be healthy for a relationship if only because of the make-up sex that usually follows! I loved the diversity of the nookie scenes in this book; they ranged from angry to passionate. Very intense and satisfying!
The pacing and the plotting of this novel are as usual, exquisite. Unraveling the layers upon layers of secrets was pure joy; just when you think that you’ve finally reached the heart of the matter you uncover yet another untruth that even the fibbers themselves were unaware of. This installment is the most supernatural one out of the bunch with endless zombie and demon action which makes this book my favourite
Darkest London story to date and quite possible one of my top reads of 2013!