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Rabid Reads

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Secret Santa (Secret McQueen #2.5)

Secret Santa (Secret McQueen #2.5) - Sierra Dean Reviewed by: Rabid Reads

The full-length books in this series have been on my wishlist for some time now and after finishing Secret Santa I remember why! I read Sierra Dean’s other novella, The Secret Guide to Dating Monsters, a few months back and loved it. This second short story is equally as awesome (and festive!). I’m still reeling from how much content was skillfully crammed into so few pages. It honestly felt like a full-length book. I don’t know how Sierra does it!

I liked how the Christmas aspect of the story wasn’t just a blip on the radar. It’s actually an integral part of the plot and doesn’t detract from the heroine’s kickassedness. Well done, considering many themed books seem to use holidays as an excuse to make a quick buck by mentioning Christmas once and slapping on a festive cover.

Secret Santa is action-packed with a teaspoon of naughty and a storyline that somehow manages to not skimp on the details even though it’s a mere 100 pages in length. There are a few spoilers though seeing how this is book no. 2.5 so just a heads up. For me, this only further peaked my curiosity. I’m anxious to find out how Secret ended up where she is now in this series. Looks like Sierra’s books are getting bumped up my list ASAP!
