Original review posted at Rabid Reads: http://www.rabidreads.com/2011/05/review-she-smells-dead-by-ej-stevens.htmlAt first I was a bit put off by the title of this book; but after seeing the gorgeous wolf on the cover of the next installment I just had to give it a try! I devoured this book in an afternoon. The plot is engaging, the characters are real and I loved Stevens' no nonsense writing style. Although, I did see the cliff hanger ending coming a mile away and felt a tad frustrated as a result. Overall, She Smells The Dead is an outstanding book. Also, I'm happy to report that my suspicions have been confirmed; there are werewolves in this book! Well, kinda.
There are two storylines that span the entire length of the book and keep it interesting. Number one is that Yuki can, yes, smell dead people. She's haunted by a ghost and does a bit of investigating with her friends to figure out what issue he needs to resolve before being able to pass over. This added an element of fun to the novel. This group of friends' investigation takes them into some pretty weird situations. The hilarity of some of their schemes didn't escape them either and with that witty banter ensued. The second is the blooming relationship between Yuki and Cal. It progressed at a nice pace and added depth to the characters.
I got a real kick out of Yuki. She's unique and kirky. I loved witnessing her dreams and her later interpretation of them. The symbolism and meaning behind them was superbly done. I also enjoyed the Young Adult aspect of this book. It wasn't overpowering and added an extra dimension to the characters. Cal! Cal is a great personage. I enjoyed his softer, more vulnerable side but it didn't make him appear weak. This kid is definitely growing into a strong and competent man.
Throughout the entire novel there's such a huge build-up to Halloween that I couldn't help but feel disappointed that I have to wait until Spirit Storm to find out what happens. The ending definitely made me want to read book 2 but could have been handled better in my opinion. She Smells The Dead is an outstanding read that surprised me with its to-the-point writing style that immediately grabbed my interest. Still skeptical? Check out the cover of the next installment and then decide!